What rhymes with “chad”? JAD!
Yes, my good friend, the very talented JAD is back and we’re talking about balls.
It was JAD’s choice. He said to me, “REN, I think we’ve danced around enough. The niceties must come to an end. We need to get down to it and get to what really matters. We need to talk about balls.”
And so that’s what we’re talking about: the biological basis of male behaviour, including of course testosterone, but also the castration, symbolic and real, of men in the modern world.
How can men reclaim their balls? Listen and maybe you’ll find out…
I introduce myself. My focus is integrating the human system. I perused this topic in my Ph.D. thesis. I continued this road with three years postgraduate training in psychology. I then maintained a private practice in Manhattan for two decades.
Concurrently I spent those years working in the esoteric world and had experiences that profoundly changed me. All these paths guide my work and authorship.
My approach is energetic. I will use the metaphor of a computer to explain. You have a screen, programs, machine language and the hardware that it runs on. The screen is your current state of self, the programs are what create that self and the machine language is your original design.
By three years of age your original machine language is overlaid with malware from the environment. This malware subverts the original function of your machine language. Henceforth anything that shows up on your screen is not you, it is malware. Incidentally this model perfectly overlays our collective global situation.
Reclamation requires erasing the malware. Your authentic design then arises on the screen of you. This is an individual task and one for humanity at large. Do this or perish is the reality we have created.
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